- How to cancel a transfer?
It is not possible yet on Decafpay, we are working to have this soon for DecafPay transactions. In the mean while you can make transactions with the Decaf wallet which has the option to cancel if needed.
- Can I receive a direct debit to my bank account via ACH?
This is on they way. We have the direct debit to banks at 80% and it will probably be live by the end of July 2023.
- How to delete or edit recipients?
At the moment you can only register recipients, make sure you visit the article in this section to learn how to do it. We are working on making it possible for you to edit or delete them. Once we have it solved we will let you know.
- What is the maximum amount I can receive?
Currently, we have only enabled the option of receiving money through cash out with Monegram and therefore we adhere to their withdrawal policy of up to a maximum of 2500 USD per transfer.